Disclaimer: Toronto-Lime.com provides information about events as a service to both the promoters and Toronto-Lime.com visitors. Inclusion in this website of event information does not constitute an endorsement or a recommendation. Toronto-Lime.com cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the event information nor for any injury or loss that may occur to those who chose to attend an event. Although reasonable efforts are made to ensure the information provided is accurate, Toronto-Lime.com recommends that you call the promoter or visit their website before attending its event to confirm the date, location, and other details.
Tuesday January 1st, 2008 (New Years Day)* Trinity College's Soka In Moka - Trinity College, Maraval - 4pm
* Yorke Inc. 'Start de Carnival Back-a-Yard Dutch Party' - Ann Ave, Diego Martin - 6pm
Thursday January 3rd, 2008* NACC Top 20 Calypso Awards 2007 - Cascadia Hotel, St Ann's - 7pm
Friday January 4th, 2008* St Francois Girls College Annual All-Inclusive - St John's Hall, Wrightson Rd, POS - 4pm
* TUCO North Region Klassic Ruso Calypso Tent - City Hall, Knox St, POS - 8pm
Saturday January 5th, 2008* Island People Amnesia Ultra-All-Inclusive - Chaguaramas Golf Course - 4pm
* QRC Outta de Blue VII All-Inclusive - QRC Grounds (St. Clair) - 4pm
* Chutney Soca Monarch Semi-Finals
* Blazin' Fire Fete
* Temperature - Mobs II, Chaguaramas
Sunday January 6th, 2008* Friends Forever (formerly Friends of BPTT) All-Inclusive - 2pm
* Beach Camp Club Annual Carnival Party -Beach Camp Club, Palo Seco
* Kabuki Sweet Soca Stew '08 Premium Affair - 4pm
Thursday January 10th, 2008* TUCO South/Central Region Kaiso Showkase - Palms Club, San Fernando - 8pm
Friday January 11th, 2008* Soca All Stars
* Legacy Cooler Fete
Saturday January 12th, 2008* Evolution Carnival All-Inclusive (Valsayn)
* Wicked in White
* Pearl Glow All-Inclusive -Pearl Gardens, Petit Valley- 9pm
* St Mary's All-Inclusive - St. Mary's College (Pembroke St, POS)
* Hilarians' All-Inclusive - Hasely Crawford Stadium, Wrightson Rd, POS - 4pm
* Bishop Anstey All-Inclusive - Bishop Anstey Grounds, POS - 4pm
* Courts Staff Talent Show - Centre of Excellence, Macoya 5pm
* Chutney Glow 2008 - 8pm
* WASA Fete - St. Joseph
* Youth Fest
* Licensing Fete - Licensing Office Grounds
Sunday January 13th, 2008* US Embassy All-Inclusive - Haseley Crawford Stadium - 2pm
* Yorke Inc Annual Carnival All-Inclusive - Windsor Road, Valsayn - 2pm
* TTARP Annual Carnival Show & Dance - The Mas Camp (French St, Woodbrook) - 2pm
* South Central Boyz All-Inclusive
* WITCO One Fete - Queens Park Oval
Wednesday January 16th, 2008* Carnival Under The Trees (Kick-Off) - Normandie Hotel, 10 Nook Av, St Ann - 8pm
Friday January 18th, 2008* TCL All-Inclusive - TCL Poolside - 7pm
* Central Bank All Inclusive (Secret Garden) - Eric Williams Plaza, POS - 9pm
* Ladies Night Out 5 - Jean Pierre Complex, POS - 8pm
* Bazodee Friday - Pier 1, Chaguaramas - 9pm
* Barbarossa Cooler Fete
* National Flour Mills Fete
Saturday January 19th, 2008* Belex All-Inclusive 3 - Lion's Cultural Centre - 6:30pm
* Chutney Soca Monach Finals - Skinner Park - 8pm
* NGC Sports Club All-Inclusive - Country Club - 8pm
* O' Farrell's All-Inclusive - Mobs 2, Chaguaramas - 8pm
* Republic Bank Fete - Pier 1, Chaguaramas
* Blue Range All Inclusive
* South Cancer Society All-Inclusive
* Royal Bank All-Inclusive - Pier 1 (Chaguaramas)
Sunday January 20th, 2008* Pan Trinbago Panorama Semi-Finals - 11am
* Kiddies Carnival, St Anthony's College - Westmoorings - 1pm
* UWI 17th Annual All-Inclusive Carnival Fete - UWI Grounds (St Augustine) - 2pm
* Friends of Blood Bank Fete All-Inclusive - 2pm
* Mc Leod Annual All-Inclusive - 2pm
* Karambouly Kreations All-Inclusive - Twin Walls, La Romain - 2pm
* Maritime All-Inclusive
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008* Carnival Under The Trees (Pan Gone Mad 3) - Normandie Hotel, 10 Nook Av, St Ann - 8pm
Friday January 25th, 2008* International Soca Monarch Semi-Finals
* Carnival Under The Trees (Jumbie Bead) - Normandie Hotel, 10 Nook Av, St Ann - 8pm
* Misty Ridge All-Inclusive - Hadeed Ranch
Saturday January 26th, 2008* Red Cross Kiddies Carnival, Jean Pierre Complex, POS - 1pm
* Fatima College All-Inclusive - Fatima Grounds, Mucurapo Rd - 7pm
* Carnival Under The Trees (Kitchener Forever) - Normandie Hotel, 10 Nook Av, St Ann - 8pm * Outspoken - Roger Gibbon St, Barataria - 9pm
* White Oak Chutney Brass 7 - Guaracara Park (Point-A-Pierre) - 9pm
* Machel's Alternative Concept 6 - Haseley Crawford Stadium, Wrightson Rd, POS - 10pm
* Kama Sutra VII - Country Club, Maraval - 10pm
* AS Brydens 9th Annual All Inclusive
* Victoria Gardens All Inclusive
Sunday January 27th, 2008* Jamboree Sunday - Jamboree Park, Valsayn - 2pm
* CAREC All-Inclusive - Federation Park (St. Clair) - 2pm
* Nestle Annual All-Inclusive - Churchill Roosevelt Hwy, Valsayn - 2pm
* Hearts on Fire All-Inclusive - Normandie Hotel, 10 Nook Av, St Ann - 5pm
* T&Tec Soca Shoka VIII - St John's Complex
* Georgian Jubilation VI All-Inclusive - St George's College's (Barataria)
* UNC All-Inclusive Fete
* Heart Beat Hilton
Monday January 28th, 2008* Link Up Cruise V - Chaguaramas
* PNM Fete - Balisier House, Victoria Ave. POS - 9pm
* Mardi Gras 2K8 - 10pm
* Mad Hatters Ball
* Smile All-Inclusive
Tuesday January 29th, 2008* A.W.O.L. - Macqueripe Rd, Chaguaramas - 4pm
* Tranquillity 2K8 Boat Cruise - Treasure Queen (Pier 2, Chaguaramas) - 7pm
* Carnival Under The Trees (Baron & Friends) - Normandie Hotel, 10 Nook Av, St Ann - 8pm
* Eyes Wide Shut CARNIVALE - Queens Park Oval - 9pm
* Island Style Glow '08 - 10pm
* Bishops Junior School All-Inclusive Fete
Wednesday January 30th, 2008* S.O.S. - Maracas - 12pm
* The Ranch - Cunupia
* Carnival Under The Trees (Bring Dat Back) - Normandie Hotel, 10 Nook Av, St Ann - 8pm
* Custom Boys Pan-o-Brass Fete - Hasely Crawford Stadium, POS - 9pm
* Fete`n with the Stars - The Harvard Club (St. James) - 9pm
* Bacchanal Wednesday - Chaguaramas - 10pm
Thursday January 31st, 2008* Headley All Inclusive Fete - Salybia - 11am
* Beach House Carnival - Ortinola Estate (Maracas) - 11am
* Alternative Thursdays, Down the Islands - 11am
* Blanchisseuse All-Inclusive - 11am
* La Flor's 'Melange' Carnival Cruise - Pier 1 Marines, Chaguaramas - 12pm
* SS Wassy Big Boatride - Treasure Queen - Pier 2, Chagaramas - 7pm
* Machel In Concert - Normandie Hotel, 10 Nook Av, St Ann - 9pm
* TRIBE Carnival Thursday - Queen's Park Oval - 9pm
* UWI Splash - Chaguaramas - 9pm
* T&T Police Assoc. Annual Carnival Fete - Police Training College
* Island People Carnival Event
Friday February 1st, 2008* Blue Range Cooler Fete - Diego Martin
* Break Biche Premium All-Inclusive - 12pm
* Taste of Carnival All-Inclusive - TTHTI Compound, Airways Rd, Chaguaramas - 12pm
* Fantastic Friday (Soca Monarch Finals) - 7pm
* Under The Trees (Kitchener Come Back) - Normandie Hotel, 10 Nook Av, St Ann - 8pm
* IslandPeople Girl Power - 9pm
* Rise All-Inclusive - Moka, Maraval - 9pm
* D'Cooler Fete - Pier 1, Chaguaramas - 9pm
* IMAGINE Drinks Inclusive
* Options All-Inclusive
Saturday February 2nd, 2008* Jamboree - "EUPHORIA" All Inclusive - Valsayn - 2pm
* Atlantis 4—D Ultra All-Inclusive - Pier 1, Chaguaramas - 4pm
* Eclipze All-Inclusive - The North Deck, Maraval
* Pan Trinbago National Panorama Finals - Skinner Park, San Fernando - 7pm
* Carnival Under The Trees (Monarchs Back to Back) - Normandie Hotel, 10 Nook Av, St Ann - 8pm
* Chutney Survivor Cooler Fete 2, Guaracara Park, Pointe-a-Pierre - 9pm
* Island Style Insomnia Fete - Mobs 2 (Chaguaramas)
* Trini Posse Fete - Chaguaramas
* Dawn, Sunrise In The City
* Lions All Inclusive Fete - Lions Civic Centre (Port of Spain)
Sunday February 3rd, 2008 (Carnival Sunday)* D'Original Breakfast Party - Diamond Vale, Diego Martin - 1am
* Sunny Side Up Breakfast Party - Palm Avenue West, Petit Valley - 1am
* Sanctuary (Headley All-Inclusive) - Windsor Road, Valsayn - 11am
* Atlantis Booze Cruise - Chaguaramas - 11am
* Brian Lara All-Inclusive Fete - Chancellor Hill, Queen's Park West - 2pm
* Moka Explosion All-Inclusive - St. Andrews Golf Club - Moka, Maraval - 2pm
* T&T Involvers Boat Cruise - Treasure Queen, Pier 2 (Chaguaramas) - 3pm
* Harvard Club All-Inclusive Fete - Harvard Club, St. James - 4pm
* Dimanche Gras, Jean Pierre Complex, POS - 7pm
* Mania - Country Club - 9pm
* Hilton Poolside - Hilton Hotel (Lady Young Rd, Port of Spain) - 9pm
* Is Just A Fete (TASA) - Queen's Hall, Port-of-Spain
* Cotton Tree Foundation All Inclusive Fete - Spanish Acres
Monday February 4th, 2008* J'Ouvert (4am)
* Parade of the Bands
* Carnival Jump Up - Hilton Hotel (Lady Young Rd, Port of Spain)
* Monday Night Mas - Paramin Hill
Tuesday February 5th, 2008* Parade of the Bands - Judging points @ Adam Smith Square, Piccadilly on the Greens, Queen's Park South
* Pan Trinbago Pan on the Road - Victoria Square and Downtown POS
* Pan Trinbago Las' Lap - Western Main Rd, St James
Wednesday February 6th, 2007* Beach Lime - Maracas Bay, Las Cuevas, Blanchisseuse Bay
* Wild Meat Cool Down - Balandra Bay
* Ash Wed Boatride - Treasure Queen (Pier 2, Chaguaramas)
* Chutney Soca Tent - Quinam Beach
* 3rd Annual Ash Wednesday River Lime - De Freitas Ranch, Valencia
* Annual Lagniappe - De Nu Pub (The Mas Camp), Woodbrook - 9pm
Thursday February 7th, 2008* Annual Lagniappe - De Nu Pub (The Mas Camp), Woodbrook - 9pm
Friday February 8th, 2008* Caribbean Wet Fete - Tobago
Saturday February 9th, 2008* Pan Trinbago Champs in Concert 2K8 - 8pm
Sunday February 10th, 2008* Anyhowers' Annual After-Carnival Boatride to La Tinta - 10am